The Hardest Part

What’s the hardest thing about vegan, you ask?
It’s not the food (in fact my palate has never been so wide, varied or delicious), the limited options when eating out or having a staff member at a restaurant scoff at you. It’s not even the stupid ‘lol bacon’ comments or worse – the people who try to argue plant sentience like that’s a valid reason for them not to eat sentient beings.
Nope, no sir.
It’s the fact that it does not have to be this way that upsets me the most. That these animals don’t have to die and that we all have a choice – but many people are, knowingly, choosing death. That’s what keeps me up at night.

It’s the fact that the majority of the population could be vegan but aren’t. It’s the fact that they can’t even come up with a valid justification or reason why they are not making an effort. It’s the fact that these animals are individuals who all deserve to live. It’s the fact that these animals are discriminated against just because they don’t speak to us in a language that we can understand. Their cries are not silent – just ignored.
It’s so frustrating that other people don’t see what’s happening here when I am right here showing them the truth. It’s so disturbing that many people will reject veganism purely because it’s too ‘inconvenient’ for them (pretty sure it’s more inconvenient for the animal being slaughtered but ok).
Sometimes I struggle with the acceptance that my friends and family are not vegan – because I know that they are all good people. But what keeps me awake some nights is wondering – why aren’t you vegan? Or at least trying to be vegetarian? Don’t you care that these animals are dying? That they are suffering? Most of you have dogs or cats that you adore – doesn’t it mean something to you that the chickens and pigs that you eat were just as sentient as they are?
I don’t understand it. I have never understood it – I went vegetarian when I was ten years old and I didn’t look back because I knew that it was wrong to abuse animals. My only regret is that it took me so long to make the connection with dairy and go vegan.
I feel guilt on behalf of the rest of the meat-eating world, if I’m honest. It makes me want to speak to every animal that is waiting to be killed and apologise. Because I am so sorry that this is happening to them. I am so sorry that they are pain and people don’t care because they like the taste of flesh too much. I am so sorry that they cannot live out their lives in peace and free from harm in a nice, spacious field surrounded by all of their cute lil babies prancing around..
It could be like that if more people made the connection and that is why I will never stop fighting. Not until every animal in this world has the freedom and respect that they deserve.

It’s hard not to dwell on this – but ultimately I don’t think veganism is the deciding factor over what makes a good person – I think it’s one of (hopefully) many other things that make up the bare minimum requirements of being a half decent person. For instance, not being homophobic or racist. I don’t deserve awards for these things in the same way that I don’t want a medal for being vegan. It’s not that hard, after all. It’s just respecting other beings. It’s pretty simple.
I have to keep believing that soon, people will come to their senses. That one day it will hit them. My friends and family can ignore my blog, my many facebook posts and tumblr rants about animals all they like – but one day, they will be unable to deny what is right in front of them.

In the mean time, I have to settle for feeding my family accidentally vegan foods, encouraging them to try vegan chocolates, cakes and cheeses – and cooking their favourite dinners but veganized to show them they don’t even have to miss out on a thing.

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