Karina Reviews Stuff: Organ Vanilla Cake Mix

So in the Lifestyle Food Fair at Tesco, I picked up the Organ vanilla cake mix and today I finally made it!
I followed the instructions on the back exactly for the vegan version of the cake and wasn’t disappointed. When I tried the cake mix before it was cooked, I thought it was a little grainy so I was kind of worried, but thankfully when I put it in the oven and cooked it, it tasted amazing!
The base is firm and it stays together reasonably well – but it does crumble if you aren’t careful when spreading the icing on top, so you need to be very gentle.
I think this cake was pretty tasty – I really liked the sponge. Does it compare to homemade dairy free cakes? Definitely not. I’ve yet to find anything that will impress my omni mother who is very particular about cakes.
But, to be fair, store bought cakes and packet cake mixes are never really that impressive anyway. I wouldn’t say that this is any worse than any other cake mix or store bought cake that I’ve ever had – but I wouldn’t say it’s better, other than the obvious fact that it’s vegan.
I topped mine with homemade “buttercream” (made from icing sugar and Pure soya spread) and then topped with some leftover strawberry marshmallows that I had lying around. It certainly wasn’t the best looking cake I’ve ever made – but my family ate it with no complaints.

cake 2
This cake will definitely impress children. And it takes five minutes to make so it would probably be worth it for parents baking with their children since (or the lazy!) since the only thing you need to measure is some tap water and some margarine.
If it were more affordable, I would definitely be buying this again. But I’m not sure it’s worth the money. It was £3 in Tesco, which doesn’t include any other icing or decorations, only the cake mix itself. And if you wanted to make this as a birthday cake or something, you would definitely need two boxes which would bring the price to £6 and I’m certain I could make my own for less. But if I were short on time, maybe I would consider picking these up again.

Verdict: If you have a major sweet tooth, like me, you’ll like this cake. If you aren’t that big on sweet things – this cake might not be for you. Plus it’s a little expensive.
Rating: ★★★

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