One Year of Veganism

Today it is World Vegan Day and I have been vegan for one year.
Going vegan was the best decision I ever made. I’m often asked if I find veganism difficult and at first, it was a little tricky. I couldn’t even peel a potato when I first went vegan and I had no idea how to cook.
But since going vegan, I’ve discovered new flavours, textures – I’ve eaten vegan prawns, tried avocado for the first time in my life, made a cheesecake out of cashews, tuna sweetcorn out of chickpeas and made the most delicious burger just by grilling a mushroom. I have a whole new appreciation and love for food that I didn’t have before.
Emotionally, going vegan has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I will never understand why “because animals are dying” is not a good enough reason to convince more of the people in my life to vegan. I will never understand why cheese or bacon is worth more to some people than an entire life.
In life, we don’t often get the chance to make a difference. But by going vegan, you can save roughly 33 animals a year. While I might miss mars bars every now and then, I’m sure cows miss their children a whole lot more.
Please consider taking part in Animal Aid’s Great Vegan Challenge by going vegan for November – you won’t regret it.

Today is treated myself to some tasty desserts to celebrate my first year as a vegan! First, I went to Mono for some lovely oreo brownie and got a cookie peanut sandwich from Stereo to take home to share with my family. Delicious!


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